Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How to make a blow dart.

What you will need.
1.Two straws (make sure one fits into the other)
3.tape/hot glue gun

First you need to make sure that you have one straw that fits into the other.Next tape down one of the ends of the straw also make sure no air gets through.

Secondly you need to make a cone you need a small round peace of paper and cut a piece out of it so it looks like a pizza with a piece out of it Next you fold over and hot glue or tape it. Once you have done that hot glue or tape it to the top end of the straw form step one.

Thirdly you need wings. To make them you need paper and scissors. Cut the paper into as many triangles as you want and then hot glue or tape them on. Once you have done that insert the small straw and blow.

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