Monday, March 11, 2013

My Journal
Bow street court and Newgate prison 1786

Today I was cought stealing a handkerchief and some silver spoons. I was sent to Newgate prison to wait for my court trial. I was bound with the other prisoners with iron collers and they cut into my wrists. It was terrifying. I slept on the bare boards in the mens charity room in the corner which they used as a toilet and it smelt so awful I thought I'd be sick. I picked pockets to get extra food. The only food that i got was moldey bread and it was userly stolen from me.

Old Baily Febuary 1787

They came for me and the other prisoners in the morning and chained us togerther. I felt like I could cry but I was to frightened for tears. It was raining so I tryed to lick my face because it was the freshest water I had tasted since I got here. The Judge asked me what I had to say for my self and in the smallest and most honest voice I said "gilty sir" and then milord said "are you sorry for what you did" and I said "yes sir". Then Mi Lord sent me to the hulks.

London Febuary 1787

I was chained to the other pisoners and put in a cart for three days and three nights while we travelled to plimouth, we were hungry, wet,cold and miserable. When we got there we were told to take off our clothing and hop into a barrel of water and were givien a bar of soap to wash our selves and then givien new clothing. We were told to go down to the bottem of the ship. There was long benches for us to sleep on, there was no port holes and no fresh air or light and it stank. I've got a bench with sailor Sam an old convict with plenty of stories to pass the time. I didn't really want to listen to them but it was the only thing to keep away the boredem and darkness. Sam told me about the strange new land and we were sailing to. He told me about the native Indian's and that they were all naked and about the strange animals like the six foot rabbit that jumped on its hind legs and I didnt think any of it was true but I still listened.

The Scarborough 1787

On the evning of May 12th, Captin Aruther Philip ordered the fleet to weigh anchor and set sail for the new land, but the all the sailors were on srtike because they hadn't been paid for seven months. In the fleet there was three store ships and six transports with 736 convicts abord and there was about 1450 peopel in all. I was glad to finaily get away from all the horrors of England and have a chance to start a new. we were all allowed to strech up on deck but we were all still chaned, and one time when we were up on the deck I saw a boy about my age but he wasnt a convict. He was with the passerngers and I wanted to met him but I know I cant.

At Sea 1787

I listened to the same stories over and over but at least it passed the time and keeps the darkness away and in return I get Sam what ever he needs becuase he is to old to get it himself. I am small and used to the small dark places from the chimmny sweeping in England . In three weeks we droped anchor at Santa Cruz to reload with freash meat, pumpkins and water. The meat was dark and stringy and servings were generous and the stews had real vegies in them. It was much better than Newgate. Sam told me that we were headed to Rio then to Cape Town and then to Botany Bay. We saw Porpoises which meant good luck and I also leant that the boy that I saw before is named is Rob.

Cape of Good Hope 1788

There was a big storm and I thought we were going to sink. I tied Sam and myself to out bench and held on as tight as I could and Sam told me another story to pass the time. Sam promised to stay with me and when we got Botany Bay he would teach me to fish and any thing I wanted to know. After the storm Sam got up and stared to walking and muttering in his sleep and he said "Starving, all be starving to dealth." Sam died just before we got to Botany Bay and I was so sad I just lost another friend.

Botany Bay and the New Land 19 Janauary 1788

When I arrived I was surprised to see all the strange things of this new land and was'nt expecting it to be like this at all. Everything was the wrong color, the trees the sky and the land. I was shocked. I hoped that some how this new land would be like the country i had left. Captin Phillip decied that we would set sail to port Jackson because the land was to sandy and there was no fresh water.

I had a chance to ecape but I didnt and was reward and got to go work with the boy I saw on the ship and he and father are more like my family than my masters. I love life here and its much better than a life in England.

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