Tuesday, October 11, 2011



More than 30 herds of caribou are spreed across main land Alaska.
Caribou live on the tundra and in the taiga short tree forests.
Caribou are medium sized deer, 3 to 5 feet tall at the shoulder.
Males weigh 275 - 660 pounds, and females weigh 150-300 pounds.


Bears are curious, intelligent, potentially and dangerous.
Black bears
They eat roots, berry's, grass and small animals.
Polar bears
The males weigh 600-1200 pounds and females weigh 400-700.

Red Foxes

The red fox can be black and silver or red and silver known as cross fox.
They have underground dens for rearing there pups.
The red fox pups are born in early parts of may.


Seals eat fish and you will see them swimming in the water.
They cant move well on land they are to fishy like.
They are found on icebergs when they give berth in June.

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