Monday, August 1, 2011

Description Prairie


We live in a small , log cabin on a prairie. Prairie is the French word for Meadow. Most of the time it is sunny with clear, blues, skies. Here we grow corn and wheat.

There are lots of plants and wild flowers. There are very few trees, lots of long grasses and flat open land. There are lots of colourful flowers. Their names are; Indian Paintbrush which are red and orange, Bride's Bonnet which is white, Prairie Violets are purple and yellow, Clover is purple with little orange dots. Feverfew is white with yellow in the middle like a daisy, Zinnias are all the colours of the rainbow. They are all beautiful flowers.

There are lots of different types of animals on the prairie. The Buffalo is big, strong and hairy. The Elk and Deer are big and strong with large antlers. The Prairie Dog is small, cute and hairy. Woodchucks have big cheeks and Gophers have big teeth.

In summer it is hot and dusty but in winter it is cold with strong winds. We get huge storms and tornados. The storm clouds are blue, purple, grey, yellow and green. We also get wild fires that are huge and get out of control.

I do not like to live here because of the fires and storms.
Chloe Laing

The Prairie
I live on the prairie which is very beautiful. It has lots of clear, open land. Prairie is a French word that means meadow.

On my prairie there are very few trees but lots of beautiful wild flowers. Brides Bonnet which is white, purple and yellow Prairie Violets, white Feverfew which can be used as a medicine, Zinnias which have many, many, colours and blue Indian Paintbrush. There are also lots of very thick long grasses.

There are also some very cute and furry animals but they can be pests because the eat and destroy my crops. The big cheeked woodchuck, the long toothed gopher and the cute Prairie Dog.

The scariest and most dangerous part of living on the Prairie are the storms and fires. The storms are normally tornadoes or lightening storms which can be very terrifying. The big, wild fires easily get out of control and can burn everything down.

I love my prairie because it is very beautiful and lovely and peaceful.
Gracelyn Laing

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