Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poetry Quatrain, Rhyming Couplet and Free Verse Pocohontas

Gracelyn decided to make some shoes and clothes out of leaves sewing them up, they arn't the clothes worn traditionally by the poeple of north or south America but it was a lot of fun to do!

We wrote different kinds of poems about Pocahontas.

Quatrain has 4 lines and the 2nd and 4th line rhyme
Pocahontas is very beautiful.
She is very daring and brave.
She has a pet raccoon and bird
and all of her people she did save.
Chloe Laing

Pocahontas is very beautiful

she is very daring and brave

she has a pet raccoon and bird

and all her people she did save

Gracelyn Laing

Rhyming couplet has 2 lines and they rhyme
Pocahontas had beautiful sparkling eyes
and sometimes she told lies.
Chloe Laing

Pocahontas has a buckskin dress

and she was an Indian Princess

Gracelyn Laing

Free verse has no rules
she married an English man
Chloe Laing

Pocahontas is very beautiful, she is tall fit healthy and athletic
she is awesome because she saved heaps of lives

Gracelyn Laing

Haiku has 3 lines the 1st has 5 syllables, the 2nd had 7 syllables and the last one has 5 syllables
She was beautiful
and she had a pet raccoon.
I think she was brave
Chloe Laing age 9

Athletic, helpful
Buckskin dress and shell necklace
Beautiful and helpful
Gracelyn Laing age 10

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