Friday, August 28, 2009

last night we went to the maze feasible and it was sooooooo cool and some of our friends were there and some of our friends were on the flots. It was sooooooo fun

Saturday, August 22, 2009

We went on a big drive today and it was sooooooooooooo bumpy we just went up and down and up and down over and over again and it was soooooo cool I had fun first we went to a creek and then we went to a big hill and there was a chair on the top and on the top you could see lots and lots of mountains I could see lots and lots of mountains there where soooooooooooooo many and we found some pretty rocks they where blue, red, purple and yellow and some of them where sparkly and then we drove for a long time and we saw a horses leg in a tree it was a real horses leg it was just a leg in the tree nothing else that was really gross and then we went home.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our first post

this is mikaela when we were making easter eggs
this is chloe and caitlyn when we were camping at tineroo
this is mikaela when we were camping at tineroo

this is all of us when uncle David and aunty Flissy came to see us

this is samuel's first day of school

Today we wanted to make a blog. We wanted to put our photos of the stuff we make and outr drawings and pictures of the places we go to.

Your first blog.

We wanted to start a blog becaues we wanted to put all your pictiurs on a blog.